Commercial Truck Insurance
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Our Trucking Insurance Specialists Hours: 8:30am-5:00pm is the truck driver's source to stay legal and insured on the road.
Do You Need Short-Term or Temporary Non-trucking Liability Insurance?
If you have purchased a new truck and you only need to drive it to the terminal of your motor carrier in order to sign your lease and formally commence your business relationship, then it’s quite possible you only need a temporary non-trucking liability insurance policy. And we can provide a policy to fit your needs.
Non-trucking liability is sometimes referred to as “bobtail” insurance. They are not exactly synonymous, but we know what you mean. Typically, when an owner operator says bobtail insurance, he is actually needing non-trucking liability insurance.
We make it simple. We will be happy to talk you through it and make sure that you are properly covered and get you a cost.

At InsureMyRig we know the difference between a fifth wheel and a steering wheel.
We provide insurance to Independent Contractors, Owner-Operators, Commercial Truckers, and small trucking fleets with the best value and highest customer satisfaction in the business. We do this by partnering with the strongest trucking specialty insurance companies and streamlining all insurance processes to give our truckers the fastest, affordable, and best insurance rates possible.
Insure My Rig… We know the difference.
We do our job well so that you can do YOUR job well.
Frequently asked questions about Individual Owner / Operator Commercial Truck Insurance
At, we offer a variety of truck insurance policies to meet the needs of owner/operators, trucking fleets and fleets of owner/operators. We can answer any questions you may have about the different types of truck insurance we offer and what coverage each provides.
The following are the answers to some frequently asked questions we encounter when looking for commercial trucking insurance.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call; we are here to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Is bobtail insurance the same as non-trucking liability insurance?
- If I have to have my vehicle towed, will the cost be covered by my truck insurance?
- I am new to the trucking industry, what type of truck insurance coverage do I need?
Why cheap truck insurance costs you more in the long run
You do not want to purchase cheap truck insurance. Why? Because paying less for insurance does not necessarily mean you will actually save money.
Look, we understand that controlling costs is always crucial as you operate your commercial trucking operation. Controlling costs has to be one of your top concerns. And while shopping for the least expensive truck insurance policies in the market sounds like a good idea at first, but you should keep in mind: the cheapest insurance usually does not have the greatest value. After all, how could it?
And if you get sub-standard coverage from cheap commercial trucking insurance might result in getting a semi-truck insurance policy that doesn’t cover you when you have an accident. The cheapest insurance often means you cannot expect the broadest protection.
How to Purchase Your Trucking Insurance Every Time, Every Year
How do you get your trucking insurance?
It’s easy to tell when your trucking insurance is coming up for renewal; your phone starts ringing off the hook with shippers wanting updated certificates and insurance agents begging to quote your business. As a business owner, you want to make the best choice you can for your trucking company, but there are so many choices TO make: Choosing trucking insurance agents, trucking insurance companies, or buying your trucking insurance over the web, etc. For me, I always go back to my grandmother’s words, “if you don’t know your jewels, you better know your jeweler”. And believe it or not, I give this same advice to not only current customers, but even to prospects every year. PICK YOUR ADVISOR FIRST.
10 Things to Know About Semi-Truck Insurance
1. Semi-truck insurance does not refer to just one type of insurance! The term refers to several different insurance policies which truckers require to cover commercial trucking operations.
2. Owner-operator truck insurance is another way of referring to semi-truck insurance.
3. Semi-truck insurance policies can be selected to cover a trucker and their commercial vehicle in a variety of situations. These policies can be used for both business and – in the case of non-trucking liability – when your semi is being used for personal reasons.
4. Different policies apply depending on whether you’re leased on to a motor carrier or have your own authority.
5. The cost of commercial semi-truck insurance also varies depending your owner-operator status. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires you to carry your own primary liability insurance in order to issue a federal filing.
6. Cost is also dependent on the type of goods you are hauling. As you might guess, hazardous materials come with a higher insurance premium.
7. Cost also varies with the age and value of your semi truck.
8. The distance you’re traveling impacts insurance costs. Long-haul truckers can expect to pay more than local drivers.
9. A trucker’s driving experience and MVR history - as well as the type of vehicle you’re operating- can make a world of difference in how much you pay to cover your commercial vehicle!
10. Working with an experienced insurance provider such as InsureMyRig will ensure you don’t have any gaps in your semi-truck insurance policy! Our team’s vast knowledge of the trucking industry means we’ll get you the best coverage for the best price.