The Roemer Report
This Month's Roemer Report
Tenacious, Truckers Continue To Deliver The Turkey And Gravy To Thankful Americans
In all likelihood, Americans will consume more than 50 million turkeys this Thanksgiving, and with very few exceptions, they will mostly all be delivered by truck. According to several sources, each of these trucks will carry 3,000 birds to their destiny: in the ovens and on America’s dinner tables this November. Now THAT is truly something we all should be thankful for.
Not Nearly As Thankful As One Might Think
Given how vital and how essential trucking and truck drivers are – especially in perpetuating the country’s most sacred institutions and societal norms (think of every holiday and national milestone) – it seems to this observer that some folks in the nation are less grateful for our truckers than they ought to be. It is truly a shame in this day and age for someone in the broadcast media to insinuate that somehow American truck drivers represent an existential threat to American society. It is certainly disappointing to see the race card played in this fashion. It seems to us that such commentary goes well beyond reasonable public discourse.
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The Roemer Report Archives
As you review these archived editions of the Roemer Report, it is remarkable to see how many major ‘hot button’ issues from way back in the day have been the topics of discussion over the many years and right up to the present day. Fuel costs, Insurance, Equipment innovations, Hours of service, the driver shortage (!) safety regulations, traffic bottlenecks and more. The more things change, the more they really do seem to stay the same!
We hope you will enjoy these historical editions of the Roemer Report. Long known as “The Kiplinger Letter of Trucking” our report has been proudly produced by the Trucking Insurance Experts at Roemer Insurance for over 35 years. Roemer Insurance is the parent company of InsureMyRig and The Roemer Report has always been our way of showing our trucking clients that we support their vital industry and that we really do know the difference between a fifth wheel and a steering wheel. Enjoy!