Why you don’t want cheap trucking insurance

Why don’t you want cheap truck insurance? As you operate your commercial TRUCKING enterprise controlling costs is always a top priority. Looking for the cheapest trucking insurance available sounds like a good idea at first, but consider this: when you consider value, cheap insurance might mean poor coverage. Cheap commercial trucking insurance might mean buying a long-haul trucking insurance policy that doesn’t cover you for some of the claims you might expect. The cheapest coverage usually means you cannot expect the most expensive protection available. Unfortunately claims happen. Cheap trucking insurance is not usually your least expensive option in the long run. If you have claims that are paid and you can wind up with large out-of-pocket expenses, not to mention angry shippers who expect you to compensate them for the value of goods that are lost or damaged. This is why you may not actually save anything by purchasing the cheapest available commercial TRUCKING insurance policy.
If you buy the cheapest motor truck cargo insurance, you better watch out. If you are a flatbed carrier can you purchase a cheap insurance policy for your cargo that excludes rust/wet steel, for instance, you may get an expensive surprise when the load you are delivering is rejected because it has rust and only to find out that your low-cost motor truck cargo policy won’t cover the claim. Similarly with your automobile physical damage policy, when you have damage to your own vehicle and you have purchased the cheapest collision coverage, you may not have the extra coverage you need for breakdown, personal property, windshield glass etc. Every insurance policy has exclusions that limit your coverage. The cheapest available commercial truck and insurance policies usually have more exclusions Then other such policies and ultimately may cost you dearly. Use good judgment when you are shopping for your insurance, the rule that the cheapest insurance is the best insurance is almost never true. Click here to learn more about what you need to know about cheap trucking insurance.
Call the trucking insurance experts at Insure My Rig for the best available trucking insurance quotes!