Step 10) Require Agent Follow-Up One Month After Renewal
And Throughout The Year
When you eat at a good restaurant the server will return to your table shortly after delivering the food to as, “Is everything delicious?” This is how a professional makes sure the customer is satisfied. You should expect this from your agent. But it doesn’t always happen as it should. Again we recommend you communicate your expectations clearly and hold your agent accountable.
At the happy moment when your agent has secured your business as a new customer or nailed down your renewal to retain your business, you should make him promise to follow up in order to be sure everything has been handled as it was promised. Was the policy binding process satisfactory? Did all regulatory filings get posted timely? Did necessary insurance documents get delivered to you as promised? Are certificate requests being handled swiftly and accurately? Is the claims reporting procedure well understood by everybody who needs to know?
And during this first follow-up meeting you should also schedule a mid-term insurance review meeting to touch base with your agent; review any claims or other issues and – believe it or not – begin formulating the strategy and timing of your next insurance renewal. Because – just like your birthday – it always seems to arrive more swiftly every year. If you will follow these tips your insurance renewals process should be more satisfactory. It will probably not ever be a cause for a party with cake and ice cream, but hopefully will allow you the additional time you need to manage your increasingly profitable and smooth running trucking enterprise.